Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Curfew: the hottest topic between parents and teens relationship. Curfew an order after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets) are prohibited. Curfew can range from many different times in different cities and states. Many people have different views of curfew and the time children should be off of the streets. I intend to illustrate teens view on curfew, parents view on curfew, and the media’s view on curfew. Curfew is an issue teenagers struggle with on the daily basis of their lives with their parents, especially in the summer time.

Curfew! Curfew! Curfew is all you hear adults say. In a teenager’s point of view like me, curfew should be a different time in the summer than during school year. I feel as though it’s a lot of activities, functions, and a lot of sleep over’s (spending time with close friends). It’s a lot of basketball games that are held at night at the neighborhood parks, hanging out at 40th St and Penn landing. There are concerts being held, huge cookouts, parties, photo shoots, and much more. However, their also friends we would like to spend time with, hang out at there house, go to the movies, take walks, sit on the steps, and plenty more to do. Parents just have to trust us and believe that were going to do the right thing. I say as long as were doing the right thing in the household and at school there should be no problem.

Parents Point of View! Parents always think were going to do something that’s unacceptable or over the top I going to take place. While doing a random survey mostly all the parents said the same thing. Most parents said that curfew is an good thing because teenagers are not ready to make all decisions themselves and that they don’t need to be on the street all times of night without parental control. The parents also gave me the different times for different ages of curfew. Ages thirteen should report in the house at 10:00pm, ages fourteen through sixteen should report in the house at 11:00pm, and ages seventeen and eighteen should report in the house between 12:00 and 1:00am. However, parents also think that the curfew can curve maybe an hour later in the summer time because they don’t have to wake up the next day and go to school but for the most part it should stay the same as during the school year. Clearly, I explained the parent’s points of view on curfew.

Philadelphia! Philadelphia! The law is really strict on teens and there enforcing children under the age of fifteen to be in the bed by 11 o’clock pm. Thus, children under the age of eighteen have to be in the house by 11 o’clock in the Philadelphia, Pa area. They say children shouldn’t be outside without Parental Control. Children should have morals and guidelines because they can’t make certain decisions on their own because they’re not fully developed.

All in all, I illustrated the teenager’s point of view, parent’s point of view, and the media points of view. Curfew does have its pros and cons just like other items, places, and people. Curfew is an issue teens struggle with today still with their parents or guardian.

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