Wednesday, July 30, 2008

" What Goes On Behind Closed Bars"

People believe that inmates get too much privilege. They receive 3 meals a day, cable, resources, and free time. But do they know what really goes on in there? Do they know how much inmates rather be dead than in prison? Take women for an example. Women are expected to be spoiled but in reality they’re victimized on a daily basis. Women suffer tremendously behind those walls of steel. Today, I would like to feed your mind with a bit of knowledge about the abuse, mistreatment and degrading that goes on in prisons as well as the lack of resources that are provided. So I wonder if you'll still have a closed mind about inmates, particularly women, behind bars after you read this article " What Goes On Behind Closed Bar."

It's all a part of standard procedure they say, but is it standard procedure to grope their body parts, whisper vulgar language and make us feel less than feces that run through the sewers. There are so many women being killed or suffering severely for not following such procedures--so called procedures-- that involve inmates getting on their knees or spreading their legs for open passage (spread'em). Day to day is the same thing; the same people who swear to protect you are the ones who you need protection from. What are you to do when you're put in such a predicament? The few inmates that grow the courage to report these allegations only suffer more because few guards are disciplined and others who are sent to trail do not receive heavy reprimanding, they just get transferred. The worst part is if the inmate does get transferred, she's only put in a more compromising situation because she has been previously written up. Therefore, family privileges are restricted as a means to silence the women, or way to extend the inmates sentence in retaliation.
Many imprisoned women are targeted more than men. They are cited for pettier things such as, violating written or posted rules –something they are less likely to enforce for men. Many women facilities are also ignored when it comes to severe matters. These facilities do not receive educational/vocational programs, job training, few visitors, work release, and many more. Also the medical neglect in women prison is inhumane as well. The inmate must wear shackles during labor, they do not receive their proper medication and if they suffered from substance abuse, they do not receive proper treatment.

I read an article called, “Women in Prison: A Fact Sheet”, there were several plaintiffs that testified that women prisoners in the District of Columbia are constantly subjected to degrading, sexualized language. One incident that went trial was about an inmate “Jane Doe,” who testified that when she informed an officer that she was going to take a shower, he responded, “Well, you go ahead and do that, and I’ll be in there to stick my rod up in you.” The sad thing about this situation was that there were other officials present who simply ignored the harassment.

These are just a few examples of the mistreatment that goes on in these facilities. So I hope that I provided you with enough information to open your eyes. For what the media portrays is not all ways true. To find more accurate information check out this website where you can actually converse with the inmates.


Racism was something I cope with in high school but made it difficult. The racism in the media is corrupting the young mind and changing how blacks are viewed. Hear is my idea of how to fix and the problem within racism.

Racism came across me when I was in high school. The teacher didn't care about my education and not taking out anytime to work with me or show how to improve my grade. The idea of not caring came to my mind just giving up but then she would be in control of my fate. I just had to understand that she was just a teacher and I a student.

The media has corrupted the mind of the young black youth making us wanted to be gangsters or killers etc. and what! to only end up on the street. The black people are the many ones corrupted. I think that white people know that and allow rappers to still sing or rap and its like are we about change or not. The main reason why so many black people have this thought about making money and trying to live that good life knowing that there life isn’t right. But without the murders of people everyday there would be no judges, lawyers and policeman, there would be no black athletes, actors, or the many other things that you need us for. The media corrupts us by saying we can be like all the other black athletes or rap artist but its not as easy as they say it is some of them getting their on a blessing. The racism in the media is destroying community and I feel that some white give off this vibe that makes it hard for me to me. When I know I have been polite and superb but look at my skin and not by my character or actions.

The next question probably is how do we act on it we fix the media stop lying to people and tell the truth about how they came to be a rapper or athlete in the world that why when a black person goes to a school he is all alone why because were so caught in the media that we don't see what is really needed t be a successful rapper or black athlete in the world today. To many people don't tell you that if you get injured you might needed a back up plan and I am not telling you if we come straight forward they won't be surprised but a least they will know. That why I like hearing how some of the NBA players tell their story of how they overcame their ordeal and were blessed with a talent telling us that it is not easy and that education is important.

The main thing about racism is that it a choose either your going to hate me for my skin or the aspects of my character. But I would rather be about my traits then my skin, because then it doesn't feel like your just making a stereotype that seen he's a black kid he is easily influence or in a gang so hey! Judge me by my character not by my skin for you may like what is deep within.

The Media: Is it the correct way to interact with the people?

The media plays a great role in our country’s survival; it is also our greatest down fall. Miscommunication is generally the source of many altercations small and/or large. Through the media higher parties have the advantage of screening what they want the public to see. This is called the gatekeepers theory which was created in 1947 by social psychologist Kurt Lewin. This is defined as the process through which ideas and information are filtered for publication. The theory represents the idea that the media sets the agenda for what is expressed to the public such as what issues are discussed and how these issues are discussed. This becomes difficult because now mass media has a negative effect on the public because of it misrepresentation of information.

The agenda-setting theory for Mass Media has been discussed for many years. The Agenda-setting theory is the theory that the mass-news media has a large influence on audiences by their choice of what stories to consider newsworthy and how much prominence and space to give them. Arguing the topic of whether we are being conditioned through the media in order to remain oblivious and taciturn to the matters of concern within the U.S. This then becomes a concern of public welfare, if something were to happen, such as nine-eleven, would the public be properly prepared? Are we being represented and protected to the fullest or are we being undermined by our own country? What should be presented to through media? Agenda-setting theory was introduced in 1972 by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in their ground breaking study of the role of the media in 1968 presidential campaign in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The theory explains the correlation between the rate at which media cover a story and the extent that people think that this story is important. This correlation has repeatedly been shown to occur.

The United States has a long history of a free press that facilitates public participation. This right was fought for during the revolution because of the prosecutions that were being held against journalist who spoke the truth about the current events and their views on the matter. So laws were passed and free press was included in the constitution of the United States of America, and so positive energy of freedom began to emerge and information transpired from upcoming media sources. However in present day information is not spreading as truthfully or correctly as the media should be used.

Matter such as presidential elections are extremely important as part of our nation’s ability to vote. However when these candidates are being exploited through the media, you are limited to the amount of information you have about this “possible future president”. Such things cannot be withheld because the right to vote is putting our Nation’s future in our hands and without proper preparation and considerations, as to who will hold the U.S. within the highest regards, there is no way we would could continue on the path of remaining a great and proud country. Politics are our nation. Politics represent the freedom and rights that are reserved to the citizens of this nation. But with the ongoing amount of liabilities and faults in regards to the news coverage without castigation, you come to wonder, who is misinforming us, the media, our politicians, or our Nation? These exploitations are on a very slippery slope, if tipped it could bring down our whole society.

The media is creating ongoing chains of cause and effect, changing the lives of others so that it fits their view. Playing and toying with information, until only fragments of stories are presented, leaving the people at a serious impasse. The social stability of the U.S. is extremely fragile between the war in Iraq and the declining social standings with other countries. Us citizen need a president that can lead them out of these problems. However without proper information how can we choose the correct candidate? Drawling out of a hat is not the answer, we need information and comparisons, and we need to be prepared. The media is not allowing this by slicing down our informational resources.

-Venessa Maldonado

.Video Vixens Untold

Video Vixens! The number one topic on everyday TV, from MTV, BET, E! and more. A video vixen has so many misconceptions. This paper will illustrate the way women are represented in hip hop videos. I say its wrong, misleading, and sets a bad example. It creates stereotypes, degrades women, and young girls might be negatively influenced.

Video vixens have a lot of stereotypes. A lot of people don’t know that there’s a difference between a “video model” and a “video groupie”. The definition of a video model is someone who actually has to go through an interview and an applying process to receive the job to participate in the video, instead of selling their body to be involved. A video groupie is someone who hears about the video and comes to the set. They will often do anything to get on the video, such as sell their bodies. They are often only paid fifty dollars a day. Many people stereotype video girls who degrade themselves because they get them confused with video groupies who sell their bodies and have all type of oral sex on the scene of the video. For example, a girl named Karrine Steffans started off as a stripper, and became a famous ‘video groupie”. She was nicknamed “super head” because of the way she portrayed herself as a young girl. Karrine was forced to give oral sex with her ex-husband Kool G for over two hours. People often judge and think all women who are in a rap videos are doing things like selling their body, that’s not the case. There are plenty of gorgeous women who go to work every day. They apply for different videos and show up at the scene looking fabulous. They can make up to fifteen hundred thousand dollars a day. All in all, don’t judge a book by its cover.

To lower the character or quality of black women seems to be acceptable and common in the entertainment industry of America. It seems like degrading women is the key to success when actually education is the key. So many rappers degraded women, Run DMC to Tupac to Biggie Smalls to Snoop Dogg to Nelly to Lil Wayne and more. It’s like they love to call women sluts, smuts, hoes, whores, b****, and so many other words. What do they think? There was an interview titled hip-hop verses America and it was basically about Snoop Dogg the rapper from the west coast of the US telling his way of thinking about women. He says if women portray themselves as those type women then there going to get treated that way. He said it’s not that rappers don’t have respect, but it’s that women don’t have respect for them selves. I actually agree on the point he’s making. If you don’t have self respect than who's going to have self respect for you? Nobody is going to take you seriously especially a man. Clearly, degrading women is something I want to change in the entertainment industry.

Videos are a way of advertising things, entertaining people, and especially entertaining the younger crowd from ages ten to twenty and sometimes older. There are younger girls who watch these types of videos and say to themselves “wow someday I want to be like those girls”, not knowing the difference between a model and a groupie. What teenage girl doesn’t want to ride in fancy cars and wear all the latest clothes, and get dressed up in the big flashing lights? Its entertainment! So as a solution us as in people have to stop degrading are women, showing uncut videos, and balancing out the two. For instance, put positive things in the video to as well. If theres always something negative in the videos and nothing positive what are they going to follow, who are they going to follow? Because I know you entertainers don’t want your daughters or siblings following the footsteps of women known as smuts and whores. However, if rap artist keep degrading women, their album wouldn’t sell and they wouldn’t make any money. If degradation of women did not sell and make people money, I guarantee you they would stop doing it and do whatever would make them money. Rappers need to stop making those degrading videos, but us as in consumers have the power to not support them. So we have to make a change. MAKE A CHANGE!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Positive Music or Negative Music? Let Your Money be the Vote

Not all music is negative. Some music is inspirational. Many artists like Talib Kweli, Common, and Kanye West all have very inspirational music. These are artist who write about change. As much as we talk about how we want positive music we really don’t. Why is 50 cent making more money and selling more albums than Common? Why is Soulja Boy selling more albums than Kanye West? I think that America should not only say that they want positive hip hop artists but support the positive artists when they enter the profession. How can we truly want to change the music we listen to if we patronize in artists who profit from negative music?

Negative music is music that has a message that is appalling, an appalling message that you would not want you or your child to hear. Artists like 50 Cent, Soulja Boy, and Lil Wayne are the number one manufactures of this ignorant form of art. It is estimated that rapper Lil Wayne is worth between 55 – 75 million dollars, in 2005 rapper/entrepreneur 50 Cent was worth 60 million dollars, and rapper Soulja Boy is ranked number 29 on the top 50 albums of 2008 so far with a enormous 409,735. Again these are the artists that epitomize negative music. Positive music is music that makes you want to better yourself and gives you that since of confidence that you are somebody. Artist like Talib Kweli, Common, and Kanye West are the ones that produce positive music. Kanye West was placed number 40 on the top 50 albums of 2008 so far with only 301,632 the same one that Soulja Boy placed number 29 on. Common's first album sold only 123,000 copies far less than Soulja Boy’s first album.

Artist like Talib Kweli, Common, and Kanye West make positive inspirational music. Their music always has a message behind it. These men are not just rap artist they are more like social activist. Their message is deeper than usual. They are more conscious and tend to make music that make people want to change- Music for Social Change. Two out of the three artists listed above have some of the lowest selling albums in the Hip Hop industry. What does that say about the world? If the corporate world doesn’t sponsor them we the listeners should serve as Philanthropist and give them the financial support that they need because ultimately negative music is affecting us as a whole. The corporate world signs artists according to what the consumers want to hear. They sign the people that are going to bring them the most money. Of course they get the assumption that we like negative music because we patronize it. If we start to patronize in the music we want instead of settling for what is offered we will be in the right path toward change.

Change is a transformation that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another. That means with change come transformation. So if we can change the music we listen to we will transform into the people we want to be. Positive music can illustrate positive people and that’s a change we all want to see. The way we spend our money illustrates our value for goods. So if we spend our money to support negative music does that say that we value those artists? Yes. We need to show artists that we want change. We can do this by not buying the negative music. Let your money be your vote in excluding negative music from America.

~Khary Carrington

Scrutiny of Black Athletes: Fact or Fiction?

Hafeez Barakat

July 25, 200

Since African Americans were integrated into the sports universe they have always received heat. The question remains, do Black Athletes receive more punishment and criticism then they’re white counterparts. For instance, some people believe that it’s due to racial standings that may still be afloat in the league, such as the comments of Donovan Mcnabb last year. Secondly, people that don’t hate Michael Vick, say that his sentencing from both Federal Court and the NFL were harsh and unjust and in fact if he were a Caucasian the story would be significantly different. I believe, that the athletes don’t receive more heat, in fact I personally believe that they are better athletes then everyone else and dominate their sports.

Many of today’s athletes are coming out of their shells about their feelings about scrutiny. Ever since we were allowed to play in leagues the scrutiny and racism has been there. The players are now coming out left and right pleading that they are receiving more criticism then the white players. They feel when they are in tough spots in and both out of the sports realm that the hammer is brought down quick and unjustly, but when it comes to the white players, it’s not so quick nor is it so harsh.

In 2007, Philadelphia Eagles starting Quarterback Donovan Mcnabb, made claims about the scrutiny of black athletes or QB’s for that matter in the sports world and in the NFL. He said that the black quarterbacks, get more harsh treatment then for example, white QB’s Carson Palmer and Peyton Manning. He said the media and fans come harder on his race and it’s just puzzling. His comments brought a wide buzz around the sports world, most of which were people saying that his comments were not true and that the black quarterbacks did not receive lots of criticism. People believed that not only did the African American QB’s and players receive the same amount of criticism in the same situations but that Mcnabb was crying like a woman and that if his team had started the season 2-0 the story would be different and Mcnabb would be getting praised.

More controversy brewed throughout the NFL season as African American QB, Michael Vick was indicted for torturing dogs and hosting illegal dog fighting rings. The hammer was too brought down on Vick from a federal standpoint as well as inside the NFL as he was suspended from the league and cut from the Atlanta Falcons team. Vick was sentenced by Federal Court to 22-24 month in prison. The media portrayed Vick as a crazed maniac and a very cruel person, especially to animals. Some people came out immediately saying that they hated him and that his sentence should be indeed longer. Others claimed that Vick’s sentencing was harsh and biased. They claimed that we was being put away for killing dogs and others were put off for killing humans, as if a dog’s life was more significant. In other stories, Vick supporters, such as Donavan Mcnabb stated that if he had been black, the punishment would have been lighter.

Overall, I feel and know that there is still racism in the sports leagues but, I don’t feel that the black athletes receive more heat than the white players. I think the heat for the QB position is self explanatory because you are in control of the offense on the field and the face of the franchise which will build skeptics by itself. I think Donovan Mcnabb was overreacting as was anyone else who felt the same way. His and my feelings could be easily counter-argued but I still believe that if his record had been a winning record, and if the Eagles made the playoff, Mcnabb’s performance would have been praise worthy. In regards to Michael Vick, I would say I feel his sentencing from federal stands was unjust but I don’t think it had anything to do with race. Even though he murdered dogs and held the do fights illegally, I think he shouldn’t be doing time and if that, not that much. Again I don’t think the players are criticized by color, it basically comes down to skill and awards.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Curfew: the hottest topic in a parent’s and teen’s relationship. Curfew an order after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets) are prohibited. Curfew can range from many different times in different cities and states. Many people have different views of curfew, and times when children should be off of the streets. I intend to illustrate a teen’s view on curfew, parents view on curfew, and the media’s view on curfew. Curfew is an issue teenagers struggle with on the daily basis of their lives with their parents, especially in the summer time.

Curfew! Curfew! Curfew! is all you hear adults say. In a teenager’s point of view, curfew should be a different time in the summer than during school year. I feel as though there are a lot of activities, functions, and a lot of sleep over’s (spending time with close friends). It’s a lot of basketball games that are held at night at the neighborhood parks, hanging out at 40th St and Penn landing. There are concerts, huge cookouts, parties, photo shoots, and much more to attend. However, their friends we would like to spend time with, hang out at there house, go to the movies, take walks, sit on the steps, and plenty more to do. Parents just have to trust us and believe that were going to do the right thing. I say as long as were doing the right thing in the household and at school there should be no problem.

Parents Point of View! Parents always think were going to do something that’s unacceptable or over the top. While doing a random survey, mostly all the parents said the same thing. Most parents said that curfew is an good thing because teenagers are not ready to make all decisions themselves and that they don’t need to be on the street at all times of night without parental control. The parents also gave me the different times for different ages of curfew. Ages thirteen should report in the house at 10:00pm, ages fourteen through sixteen should report in the house at 11:00pm, and ages seventeen and eighteen should report in the house between 12:00 and 1:00am. However, parents also think that the curfew can curve maybe an hour later in the summer time because they don’t have to wake up the next day and go to school but for the most part it should stay the same as during the school year. Clearly, I explained the parent’s points of view on curfew, which means they should curve their opinions a little about curfew and maybe try to accommodate the teen’s needs.

All in all, I illustrated the teenager’s point of view, parent’s point of view, and the media points of view. Curfew does have its pros and cons just like other items, places, and people. Curfew is an issue teens struggle with today still with their parents or guardian.

Gas Prices on the Rise

Gas prices in this country are ridiculous. Gas is so high that some families can't afford it, bottom line, it's killing people's financial state. It's not a problem for me at this time because I don't drive, but it is a problem for my parents. It's probably none of my business, but I know it's hurting them. The way people are dealing with this issue isn't good either, because people aren't doing anything about it. They're just going to suck the gas dry until it's all gone, and then what? As a resolution, well, to be honest, the problem is that there is no resolution, but I do believe we can cut down on gas consumption.

People have a tendency to consume gas pretty loosly. That's one of the reasons you see a lot of people driving smaller cars compared to colossal SUV's. Now if peoplewere to drive smaller cars that are more earth-friendly, for instance, a Honda Fit or Toyota Prius, gas in this state would most likely be used more sparingly. On the other hand, compared to an Escalade or a Hummer, they consume a great handful of gas.

Right now, gas is a major factor in people's budget, and I predict a lot of people will be walking soon or taking Septa. Septa will make a whole lot of money this summer. I recently read an article that said that Septa have so many new passengers they are going to announce a "major shift" in all transit services. This will include more frequent regional rail service and, most likely, expanded bus routes. This article can be found on This has all the informatin if you'd like to read more. Most people will be forced to take Septa anyway, although Septa can't always be relied on either.

To conclude my arguement, gas prices are rising, and it doesn't look like its going to stop anytime soon. With the gas prices predicted to be about seven dollars at the end of the summer, something needs to be done. I just hope i touced someone out there and that my voice was heard.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

M not only for mature


In the world of gaming, rating companies like ESRB (Entertainment Rating Software Board) put ratings on games by the amount of violence, sexual content, blood and gore, etc. Depending on how much of these elements are within the game, the game will receive one of six ratings from ESRB. The ratings are eC for early childhood, E for everyone,E10 for everyone 10 and up, T for teen, M for mature and Ao for adults only. I feel that ESRB does a great job at rating the video games, but there are things that ESRB did that other people under the age of seventeen and I disagree with.

In November of 2005, ESRB put a ban on M rated games to minors under the age of 17 without parental consent. This ban angered a lot of teenage gamers including me. By statistics M rated games have most of the top fun factor ratings. I personally enjoy playing M rated games because of their realism and action. I mainly like shooters like Halo 3, Gears of War and Unreal Tournament. Halo 3 is a first person shooter. This game received an M rating for the blood, use of guns and language. Gears of War is a third person shooter. This game received an M rating for the blood and gore extreme language and gun violence. Unreal Tournament’s game play is a combination of Halo 3’s and Gears of War’s game play so it received an M rating for all of the above.

The question I have is why ban M rated games from minors under the age of 17? Some people say it is because younger adults and children learn from these games and try to reenact what they saw on the game in real life. I say if that’s the case then it is the parent’s faults for not monitoring what their children play on their console. The same things apply with teenagers also. If parents do not want their teens to buy a game, they should be in control of their children, not the store. Parents need to take responsibility for their children, not leave it to everyone else.

Another thing with the ban I disagree with is the age range. Minors under 17 cannot play M rated videogames. That is practically saying that teens under 17 are banned from playing more than a third of games in the world. I feel if the ban cannot be removed, it could at least be changed. For example, ban M rated games to minors under 13 instead of minors under seventeen. Children may learn from games, but teens who have been taught right from wrong should know right from wrong. Therefore they will not pick up bad ideas from the game.

I feel that this ban is unnecessary. There shouldn’t be inhibitions on what people buy. The parent’s should make the decisions. ESRB should stick to giving ratings and allow consumers to buy what they want.


it goes unnoticed...millions of teens are forced with this horrifying decision of taking their own lives... faced with the fact that they are alone in this world trying to figure out if they ant to live the sad lonely life they go through every day.

suicide is not something that once every two years... it happens everyday. every 18 minutes a teenager kills him/or herself because, they are either stressed and/or feels unwanted and alone.

people think that the crazy things that teens do is a cry out for help but more of a hint that they want to be left alone or at least talk to someone to be there who can understand their pain.


Curfew: the hottest topic between parents and teens relationship. Curfew an order after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets) are prohibited. Curfew can range from many different times in different cities and states. Many people have different views of curfew and the time children should be off of the streets. I intend to illustrate teens view on curfew, parents view on curfew, and the media’s view on curfew. Curfew is an issue teenagers struggle with on the daily basis of their lives with their parents, especially in the summer time.

Curfew! Curfew! Curfew is all you hear adults say. In a teenager’s point of view like me, curfew should be a different time in the summer than during school year. I feel as though it’s a lot of activities, functions, and a lot of sleep over’s (spending time with close friends). It’s a lot of basketball games that are held at night at the neighborhood parks, hanging out at 40th St and Penn landing. There are concerts being held, huge cookouts, parties, photo shoots, and much more. However, their also friends we would like to spend time with, hang out at there house, go to the movies, take walks, sit on the steps, and plenty more to do. Parents just have to trust us and believe that were going to do the right thing. I say as long as were doing the right thing in the household and at school there should be no problem.

Parents Point of View! Parents always think were going to do something that’s unacceptable or over the top I going to take place. While doing a random survey mostly all the parents said the same thing. Most parents said that curfew is an good thing because teenagers are not ready to make all decisions themselves and that they don’t need to be on the street all times of night without parental control. The parents also gave me the different times for different ages of curfew. Ages thirteen should report in the house at 10:00pm, ages fourteen through sixteen should report in the house at 11:00pm, and ages seventeen and eighteen should report in the house between 12:00 and 1:00am. However, parents also think that the curfew can curve maybe an hour later in the summer time because they don’t have to wake up the next day and go to school but for the most part it should stay the same as during the school year. Clearly, I explained the parent’s points of view on curfew.

Philadelphia! Philadelphia! The law is really strict on teens and there enforcing children under the age of fifteen to be in the bed by 11 o’clock pm. Thus, children under the age of eighteen have to be in the house by 11 o’clock in the Philadelphia, Pa area. They say children shouldn’t be outside without Parental Control. Children should have morals and guidelines because they can’t make certain decisions on their own because they’re not fully developed.

All in all, I illustrated the teenager’s point of view, parent’s point of view, and the media points of view. Curfew does have its pros and cons just like other items, places, and people. Curfew is an issue teens struggle with today still with their parents or guardian.

Jeremy Hagins 7/08/08
How Advertising Persuades Drug Use

Today there are problems with drug-use amongst teens in school, the streets, and even in their own home. In this essay I will talk about how people are persuaded or influenced into using drugs. Some of ways people are exposed to drugs are through television commercials, magazines, newspapers, the internet and billboards.
Years ago cigarette advertisers used television commercials to persuade you to buy their product. Now through mass media, advertisers persuade people to purchase of drugs and cigarettes. Over the counter medications found at your local pharmacy, supermarket and your local corner store and all of this is possible because messages found on television ads and billboards. For instance, Tylenol helps get rid of pain as well as Advil, Bayer and other aspirins. When I watch the television, every five to ten minutes a commercial comes on about cold or pain medicine persuading people to purchase their products. They are sending subliminal messages in which cause people to rush out and purchase the item; television makes an item seem much better than it really is and some of them really do work. People can get hooked on illegal drugs as over the counter drugs.
Some of the magazines such as Vibe, Slam, and Ebony, just to name a few is also used to persuade or influence the use of drugs. In some magazines, every other page has an advertisement for liquor and cigarettes once again trying to persuade the purchasing of drugs.
In music videos kids see people smoking and they presume that as the definition of cool. This is a way people are persuaded into using drugs while there are many other ways to. There used to be commercials telling you to purchase drugs such as cigarettes but know you barely see them today. Instead of commercials telling you buy drugs there are commercials and ads telling you to pause and think about what you are about to do to your body. Even today rappers try to persuade you to stop drug use. This type of persuasion works due to the fact that rappers are famous and powerful to kids and most people look up to them as their role models.
Through the use of commercial advertisement, people believe drugs will help them think better, be part of the cool crew, become more active, or just enhance their life. Others figure that one try won't hurt but the fact is that once you start it’s hard to stop and soon you have a one- way ticket to be six feet under. On the other hand people want to fit in and they think drugs make you look "cool" among friends. Many teens use drugs to gain attention from their parents or because they are depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. But the truth is that drugs don't solve problems but simply hide feelings and problems. When a drug wears off, the feelings and problems remain or become worse
In this essay I showed you how commercial advertisement influenced people into purchasing drugs and alcohol due to mass media. I also talked about the different types of drugs that are broadcast and how people are fooled into buying them.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"My Issue: Teens Communicating With Parents"

    Chandler Jones
    July 13, 08
    “Teens Communicating With Parents”

    Today in society, relationships with teens and parents are so different. By different I mean it’s more emotion, like arguments and more strife. The parents today look at technology and think teens today have it so easy. Wrong. Nothing is easy in a teenager’s life. That is why communication with parents and their teens are so important. Communication is important because adolescence is a time where a teen needs support and a good foundation. It’s a time where you have to learn how to figure out yourself, puberty, relationships and finding independence. The problem that parents fail to understand is that teens have to grow up and learn from mistakes. Parents in this generation don’t really want their teens to grow up that fast and that makes the communication thrown off because the teen then feels as though they have to prove themselves through acting out . The way a teen can act out due to lack of communication such as : running away from home, constant arguing, abandonment, grades dropping and maybe substance abuse. When lack of communication is involved with teens and parents the relationship becomes distant and withdrawn. Pain may also inflict on a family setting when the teen and the parent are not communicating.

    Parents today are also more strict. Some parents like to shut down ideas and think they are always right. Teenagers have a lot to say and I think we should be heard. We all know parents want the best but they should respect opinions and now that their teen has a lot on their mind. Support and guidance is the best foundation for communication. Basically like a stepping stone on so many levels. I say this, because once parents and teens start from there they can then form something unbreakable. Especially with trust. Trust is also a stepping stone. If you have trust then it’s easier to gain independence from the parents and then it’s easier to trust the teen. This also means more privileges and rewards for both parent and adolescent. As teens mature, they start to think more abstractly and rationally. They're forming their moral code. And parents of teens may find that kids who previously had been willing to conform to please them will suddenly begin asserting themselves — and their opinions — strongly and rebelling against parental control. You may need to look closely at how much room you give your teen to be an individual and ask yourself questions such as: "Am I a controlling parent?," "Do I listen to my child?," and "Do I allow my child's opinions and tastes to differ from my own?"
  • Friday, July 11, 2008

    School Security

    Many parents who have enrolled their children in various schools around the city feel safe about leaving their children there for six to eight hours a day. For the percentage of parents in that population that have children attending J.R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School, theirs is a false sense of security. I cannot speak for other Philadelphia schools but for the past seven years that I have spent at Masterman, I have made a handful of observations regarding our overall school safety, and it is less than sufficient. Although many students are thrilled by the thought of having the freedom that comes with having sub-par security, it is a threat to the well-being of everyone in the building during its hours of operation. To better understand the logic behind these statements, one needs to have a clear picture of exactly what “Masterman security” entails.

    Enter J.R. Masterman high school and witness the beautiful marble floors, friendly faces, and to the left, a metal detector, x-ray machine, and two guards. It becomes the responsibility of all high school students at Masterman to place their bags, jackets, and electronic devices on the conveyor belt of the x-ray machine, pass through the metal detector and collect their belongings before swiping their school issued ID’s at the sign-in machine. This process must be completed before the sounding of the second bell at 8:15AM or students will be marked late for school as well as advisory (the fifteen-minute time period before classes commence, during which students prepare for the day). What is the purpose of this routine? It’s all for the sake of helping to honor the school code of conduct and for the safety of all students. There are, however, several flaws in this system that have perhaps slipped by the thoughts of the administration.

    On the first floor, there is a total of five doors: all from which someone may exit at the proper time and only two of which someone may enter until 8:15AM. After 8:15 there is only one door, which is on the side of the building that faces 17th Street, through which someone can enter, and visitor that does must immediately go to the main office. The other entrances/exits include: a door on Brandywine Street with a ramp for handicapped persons and the dropping off of lunches and other supplies, a door in the center hallway that leads to the patio out front, another door on the 17th Street side that leads to the left of the patio, another on the 16th Street side that leads to the right of the patio, and one more (also on the 16th street side) that leads to the back of the building (farther down on Brandywine Street). The main office is located closest the door leading to the patio on the 17th street side and the library is closest the other door leading to the patio on the 16th street side. As you may or may not have been able to tell, the building is actually shaped like a giant letter “H.” At any rate, there are a considerable number of ways to get around Masterman’s security system, and it’s no secret to the students. Below are the most commonly known ways to breach the system:

    1. Middle school students are not required to pass through any kind of security device. Therefore, if they or a high school student wanted to bring in anything prohibited, they need only carry it in by way of a Middle School student’s backpack.

    2. No one questions students that decide to go to their lockers before passing through security. High school lockers are located in the basement and on the fourth floor, so the transfer of prohibited materials can be done relatively discreetly.

    3. As far as students leaving the building during the day, the door on the 16th Street side that leads to the back is the easiest to sneak out of. The windows in the back of the school are always covered from the inside and no one would see if a student were to continue walking behind the school until they reach another main street. As long as students have swiped in at some point during the day, they will be marked present and they need only have a friend cover for them by saying something as simple as “He/she had to leave early.”

    On the other side of that, getting someone into the building is equally as simple. There is a stairwell several feet from the very same door mentioned in #3, so if a student were to get someone into the building through this door, they needn’t enter the halls, which would draw attention to the guards since the hallways are empty during class. What makes it even more simple is the fact that Masterman students are not required to wear a uniform, so anyone wearing street clothes that is between the ages of ten and eighteen would not look out of place.

    My purpose for pointing out these faults is to draw the attention of Masterman’s administration as well as that of the School District of Philadelphia, because when students don’t feel safe at school (not as the result of issues such as classism and racism or bullies, but because of faulty security), no one should.

    "My Neighborhood of Variety"

    Chandler Jones

    July 8, 2008

    Many things represent my neighborhood. The first thing I think symbolizes the neighborhood is the streets that I walk through. Immediately when i'm in my neighborhood I think about th streets. Also the neighbors that have known me since I was a baby. Sometimes it's violence where I live but to me I love to stay positive. There are graffitti words on buildings and different colored houses. Different houses look red, brown, green and sometimes black. My house is green and usually we get it repainted every year. The sounds I hear are kids playin, the ice cream truck circling around and cooking sounds. Different smells ignite my taste buds such as: fried chicken, and fresh veggies. When I walk around, I also look at the sky wishing I had wings. Things flow through my head in different surroundings. I can write a poem if the things flow through peacefully. Trees in my neighborhood to me symbolizes life, and nature. They also protect us from the sun. The wind also blows through my hair when I walk slowly, and I constantly feel as through i'm only at peace with myself. My mother wants to move, so we can get away from the violence. To me even though a neighborhood of violence may be bad, for some reason it's the only thing that I know..


    If I met someone who has never been to Philadelphia, I would describe it as the best cheese steak making city in America. However, I will talk about the food, the issue of maintaining your property, and what to do if you violate you’re maintaining. The meat is so tender as well seasoned and it lays on top of that soft roll of bread, which has been toasted nice and warm in the oven, so it’s really crisp. Then you also have the cheese on top of the meat, which puts a little hmmmm…good into it! To top it off you then drown it in ketchup and hot sauce with a little old bay season….OMG….Philly cheese steaks are the best! However, Philadelphia also has the best water ices! Its water ice is so mouth watering and when you see it, your taste buds would holler! Philadelphia just has a great buzz on food. It is a very diverse city and has a lot of good things; it also has a lot of bad things just like many other cities or other places. It has one of the best Ivy League Universities its widely known University of Penn; located on the 3400 block of Spruce Street. South Street is an amazing place to be; it’s like a strip filled with shopping stores and tattoo parlors. It also has my favorite pizza shop on South Street called Leonardo’s pizzeria. It’s one of the places I like to shop at and also hang out with the friends and family. Downtown Philadelphia is also a great place to hang at. You have the shopping centers and jewelry stores, but then you have the Constitution Center, which teaches about the actual constitution, it’s a very nice museum to attend. Philadelphia is a very busy city.

    To describe my neighborhood to someone is like telling a story book. My neighborhood is very urban and it’s a low-working class environment. It’s very cheerful on the block I live on and really not a lot of violence, with the exception of children fights. My street is sought of a wide street. Many people don’t take care of their homes and they live like there stuck in poverty. The children do enjoy themselves when they are outside for he most part, especially the little ones. The little ones mostly ride their bikes, play dolls, scream, and play hoola-hoops. There are a lot of noisy teenage boys on my block who often plays on the basket ball court or sit on this one boy step that seems like they have no parents. They often hang outside at any time of the day, even midnight when every one is sleep, or like me getting prepared for the next day to attend my writing academy known as TWA. I live in a newly built house, and it’s very well taken care of. I am the only house on the block with pretty pink and white flowers on my porch and on the step with lawn chairs out on the porch to sit in. My family is the only one who sweeps in front of the house and picks up the trash in front, and I say this to say keeping your house maintained and having a nice front is something you should do to make your community be a better place. The houses are huge and nice but many people in the neighborhood don’t want to keep up with their homes. Their three story houses with drive ways and with nice size backyards. However, my neighborhood is like a place where middle class people like me can live but, still have a comfortable home and present our selves well in public. We step off our step it’s like we are entering into another world. I think just because you live in a low-middle class income area or you don’t have an certain amount of money you don’t have to keep your home looking abandon or throw trash on the grown, or come out the house looking inappropriate to walk the streets. People blame everything on money and don’t care about what’s going on when you can really balance your money out and not just spend it on clothes or materialistic things. Last, there are also a lot of nice parts of Philadelphia and don’t get me wrong. I do believe that people who live in my neighborhood have the ability keep their homes up. It’s just that they don’t want to expand their, minds or there’s no one there to help them achieve the goal of maintaining your home or property. Wow! Philadelphia has a lot going on!

    Get Out! Not keeping up your home is a bad influence on your neighborhood and yourself. It’s just not a good practice. If your not maintaining your property its time for you then to move out. For example, having dog crap on your porch is unacceptable, not having a door knob is ridiculous, and having trash in front of your house is just not good practice. After you are moved from your house you then have to take a class on the morals of maintaining your house. Clearly, maintaining your house is obviously important.

    Obviously, Philadelphia has the best cheese steaks and the best water ice, maintaining your house is important, and you will be kicked out if violated. Philadelphia is a wonderful but it does have its goods and bads of being a large city, containing about five million people.