Friday, August 1, 2008

The way teenagers are affected my music

Personally I think that the stereotype is right, and that hip-hop artist has a huge influence in our society today. Hip hop artist for the most part send out negative messages to their fans. Hip-hop has a huge impact on our youth today. We wonder why are kids have gone crazy, it has a lot to do with the lyrics in the music. All rappers talk about are drugs, pimping or abusing women and violence. Basically what I’m saying is that some type of music has an affect on are teens. It effect them by not finishing high school and it’s most of are African American men or boys because they want to be rappers and sell drugs to get out of the hood or to support their family.
Most kids do things they hear in music or see on TV, because to them rappers are like role models. Role models, lyrics, videos, and the lifestyle of music, sports, and movie stars can implement that drugs are cool. Hip-hop artist make us kids think that selling drugs is the way to get out of the hole that their family is in, just to get their family out the hood, and to get the fast money. Kids who are not financially stable tend to sell drugs to survive. But some rappers say that dope is the only way to eat but it’s not all you have to do is go to school get an education and you can be anything in life you want. This leads into women and how male use sexual aggression toward use female.
Some rap music influences teenagers in a sexual aggression against women. Use as female’s can’t get mad when the male call us B****s or H**s because we react to the dances that come out for example, pop lock and drop it, shake that booty, and rock your hips. We can’t get mad because we are practically responsible for there actions toward us females.
Music has a lot of violence in it, and it has mad the death rate in teens get higher this past year. Violence in music for example, “Gutter, gutter mother****** AY this that Get your knife time to gut a mother******” when kids hear this they think its okay because we look up to the hip-hop artist. I say it does have something to do with the parents also because they need to control what their kids listen to. There should be an appropriate time or place for this type of music.
Tome, I think that hip-hop artist need to wake up and realize that young kids are listening to their music and it has an affect on them. They need to rap about more positive music they should rap about how we need to be in school and not on the corner selling drugs. If rappers stop rapping about negative music and stop portraying women, and tell us what right instead of wrong I think the society will get better. If there was more positive music more African American men and boys will graduate high school and the death rate of teens will decrease.

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